What are the causes underlying the appearance of wrinkles?

Envie de comprendre pourquoi ta peau change avec le temps et comment y remédier ? Voici tout ce que tu dois savoir pour garder un visage lisse et radieux !

Les rides sur la peau du visage apparaissent pour plein de raisons, souvent à cause de la diminution de l'acide hyaluronique , du collagène et de l'élastine . En vieillissant, la peau devient plus fine et commence à se rider. Le vieillissement cellulaire est la principale cause des rides, mais il y a aussi d'autres facteurs. Un diagnostic de peau peut t'aider à comprendre ces différents aspects et à choisir le meilleur soin pour ta peau.

La santé , les soins que tu apportes à ta peau, ton exposition au soleil et ton alimentation jouent aussi un rôle dans l'apparition des rides. Tous ces éléments contribuent à rendre l'épiderme moins ferme et à perdre de son élasticité, ce qui se traduit par des rides visibles comme celles du front et les rides d'expression autour des yeux.

En comprenant mieux ces facteurs, tu peux prendre des mesures pour réduire ces signes de vieillissement.

3 minutes to read

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The causes underlying the appearance of wrinkles on the face are linked to the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. The skin wrinkles with age, as it grows thinner. Cell ageing is the primary source of wrinkles, but it is not the only one.

The onset of wrinkles is also associated with health, skin care, exposure to the sun, and diet. As a result of all of these factors, your facial epidermis loosens and loses its elasticity. Frown lines on the forehead and expression wrinkles around the eyes make their first appearance.

Internal factors causing wrinkles on the face

The first wrinkles appear around the eyes and at the corners of the lips and mouth. With age, the skin changes and develops wrinkles. This loosening is influenced by the normal ageing of the skin cells, but also by hormonal changes and oxidative stress.

Ageing of cells in the epidermis

Cell ageing is partly determined by genetics. With age, the cells replace themselves less quickly, and the muscles relax. If your parents’ skin is thin or fragile, yours will undoubtedly be the same.

Creams and other treatments can slow the loosening of your skin but cannot prevent it altogether.

Hormones and skin laxity

The hormonal changes brought about by menopause and andropause (male menopause) change how the skin cells function. The body generates less hyaluronic acid, less elastin and less collagen. The skin gradually loosens.

That loosening can first be seen in the face, around the eyes and lips, where the epidermis is thinnest.

Oxidative stress and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

Oxidative stress attacks the skin’s cells and causes them to age prematurely. Wrinkles and fine lines then appear in the damaged furrows of the skin.

There is only one way to fight this: a balanced diet and nourishing skin care treatments.

External factors causing wrinkles on the face

Although it is difficult to affect the internal causes of skin ageing, it is absolutely possible to change the external factors. A poor diet, unprotected exposure to the sun and smoking are easily avoidable causes.

Diet: One cause of facial ageing

Diet is a cornerstone of health in general and of the skin’s health in particular. The skin needs proteins, vitamins and minerals in order to avoid a loss of tone.

For example, Vitamin A offers protection against damage from the sun. Some skin care products also contain vitamin C and/or calcium.

Lifestyle: A decisive factor for beautiful skin

Just as it affects every aspect of our health, lifestyle plays an essential role in preserving the skin’s beauty.

Sleep rekindles the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Physical activity serves to oxygenate the epidermis, which can then make the most of the nutrients received through food.

Conversely, alcohol and tobacco degrade the cells. The skin suffers damage and develops wrinkles.

Environment: A harmful influence on the epidermis

The sun and pollution attack the skin, causing the epidermis to become thinner and more fragile. Wrinkles and fine lines then appear prematurely.

To combat these factors, use a skin cream, treatment or oil to preserve the aesthetic beauty of your face.

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