How to make your bitterness folds disappear naturally

Les plis d'amertume, aussi connus sous le nom de rides du sourire , partent des coins de tes lèvres et descendent vers le menton. Pas très sympas, ces rides peuvent donner l'impression que tu es tout le temps de mauvaise humeur.

Pour les faire disparaître, il faut adopter une routine de soin adaptée après avoir bien  analysé ta peau .

Tu vas pouvoir  faire disparaitre tes rides  en adoptant une série de gestes et de soins spécifiques pour cette zone du visage : une bonne hygiène de vie, des crèmes anti-rides , des soins solaires, des gommages et des masques anti-rides, entre autres.

Voici de quoi composer ton nouveau rituel de soin pour atténuer les rides du sourire.

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Also known as laugh lines, bitterness folds go down from the corners of the lips and towards the chin. These wrinkles are particularly dreaded, forming an inverted smile which gives an impression of being in a bad mood.

Should you succumb to the lure of cosmetic surgery or injections of hyaluronic acid to make these wrinkles disappear from your face? Luckily, you can avoid those extremely invasive anti-ageing solutions by setting up a specific skin care routine.

To make your laugh lines disappear, it is recommended that you pamper your skin with a complete array of actions and treatments suited to that part of the face: a healthy lifestyle, a wrinkle cream, sunscreen, a scrub, an anti-wrinkle mask, etc.

Spotlight on your new face care ritual to reduce your laugh lines.

Around the lips: A fragile part of your face that deserves the best care

Just like the area around your eyes, the edges of your lips are one of the places where your facial skin is the thinnest and most vulnerable. As a result, this area is more sensitive to skin ageing, materialising in the loosening of your skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

These signs of age are caused by a decline in collagen and elastin levels and by slowed cell renewal.

Other factors can also speed up the skin’s ageing process around the mouth: pollution, prolonged exposure to the sun, stress and a skin care regimen which does not offer enough hydration and finishes by marking the skin.

Beauty tips for delaying the appearance of laugh lines

The fight against wrinkles is not limited to beauty treatments and face creams! Certain habits can help you significantly reduce the signs of ageing.

Preventing wrinkles around the lips through a healthy lifestyle

You can delay the appearance of wrinkles around your mouth by leading a healthy life.

Here are some beauty tips for you to follow in order to take care of the area around your lips:
⦁ stop smoking, as this accentuates the wrinkles around your mouth
⦁ protect your face from the sun’s rays with a UV day cream
⦁ adopt a diet rich in antioxidants
⦁ practice facial gymnastics to revitalise the muscles at the corners of your lips.

Daily moisturising: A key step in limiting wrinkles around the mouth

Did you know that wrinkles can appear in dehydrated skin? Like the rest of your face, you should make sure to hydrate your lips every day.

What are the best face treatments for reducing laugh lines?

If you already have laugh lines, you can lessen those furrows at the corners of your lips by means of three specific treatments:
⦁ a targeted anti-ageing cream made with hyaluronic acid, to be applied by patting the area with your fingertips
⦁ an anti-ageing serum to fill in the lines around your lips and reinforce the action of your anti-ageing cream
⦁ a facial scrub and mask, to use once a week to eliminate dead skin, moisturise the mouth and stimulate circulation.

Need more advice on reducing your wrinkles? Discover our top tips in our guidelines dedicated to natural wrinkle treatments

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