What natural cream is best for the area around your eyes?
Pour effacer les rides autour des yeux , la première étape cruciale, c'est de faire un bon diagnostic de peau. C'est encore plus important pour cette zone sensible, car ça vous permet de comprendre ce dont votre peau a vraiment besoin en termes de collagène, de lipides et d'élastine.
Une fois que vous avez cerné les besoins spécifiques de votre peau , choisir une crème naturelle pour les yeux devient beaucoup plus simple.
En plus, il faut opter pour des soins qui traitent en même temps les cernes, les rides et les poches.
Découvrez nos astuces pour choisir le meilleur soin contour des yeux et dire adieu aux rides pour un regard rajeuni.
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A natural eye cream should be able to meet this sensitive part of the face’s need for collagen, lipids and elastin. It is also important to opt for complete treatments that simultaneously target the appearance of dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness.
Discover our beauty tips for reducing wrinkles around your eyes!
Wrinkles around the eyes: Understanding the causes to choose the right treatmentBetween wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness, the area around the eyes is particularly fragile and vulnerable! To maintain a fresh, youthful look, it is essential to understand what causes the appearance of wrinkles and other undesirable marks around the eyes.
Wrinkles around the eyes
The skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face and also less rich in collagen, lipids and elastin. This means the signs of ageing skin become visible sooner around the eyes than anywhere else on the face.Generally speaking, expression wrinkles and lines appear around the age of 25 to 30. As their name suggests, their onset is directly tied to the many movements of the skin in this part of the face. But the skin’s fragility around the eyes also makes the area particularly sensitive to the sun, pollution and free radicals.
Beginning at the age of 25, moisturising and massage are recommended to reduce the wrinkles at the eyes.
Under-eye puffiness
This phenomenon can occur starting at 30 years old and becomes commonplace around the age of 50. Puffiness under the eyes is caused by the movement of the fatty cells in the eye, which accumulate under the eyes and form bags. The ageing of the skin around the eyes and the loosening of the tissues there are also conducive to the appearance of puffiness.It is also common to have bags under your eyes when you wake up in the morning and to see them fade within a few hours. In that case, the slowing of blood and lymph circulation is the cause.
Somewhat careless make-up removal can also aggravate this phenomenon. Tips: use a cleansing make-up removal oil and use your fingertips to apply the product, delicately massaging it in around your eyes.
Dark circles
Dark circles can be caused by a variety of factors:⦁ genetic predisposition
⦁ fatigue and lack of sleep
⦁ blood microcirculation which has slowed with age
⦁ dietary excess.
Whatever the underlying cause of your dark circles, they tend to weigh down your eyes and lead to a lack of radiance.
How to reduce wrinkles around the eyes?
When choosing an eye care treatment, it is recommended that you lean towards a natural cream which contains active ingredients that are known for their efficacy on this area of your face.Here are some examples of ingredients to prioritise in a natural eye care product:
⦁ Hyaluronic acid: known for its strong hydrating and plumping properties, this product helps to balance your skin’s water levels and fill in wrinkles.
⦁ Antioxidants (vitamin C, pink algae, ferulic acid, etc.): these reduce the impact of free radicals and pollution on your skin.
⦁ Caffeine: very effective on dark circles and bags under the eyes, it re-energises your gaze, restores your skin’s radiance and smooths your features.
Our tips on how to use your eye care treatment: apply your cream from the inner corner of the eye towards the temple and massage it in around the eyes, exerting light pressure on the area with your ring finger. This way, you will boost the treatment’s action around your eyes and reactivate your lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.
Need more advice on how to fight the ageing of your skin? Read all our tips on the best treatments in our dedicated guidelines:
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